Berthoud Consulting

Berthoud Consulting

Berthoud Consulting

Jews United for Justice (JUFJ)

Client Spotlights

Jews United for Justice (JUFJ)

Advocates for economic, racial, and social justice in the Baltimore-Washington area needed to account for and advance racial justice, and to identify the structure, culture, and decision-making practices needed to manage growth.


By building on a framework of Future Search, we facilitated more than 80 stakeholders including staff, board, leaders, funders, and organizational partners for two all-day conferences and close to 1,500 hours of discussion. The process allowed stakeholders to imagine together a shared future for the organization, while deepening the relationships needed to create that future. The first conference reviewed the past, including organizational history and political context; examined the present environment and organizational capabilities; and imagined the possible future. The planning team then developed a draft strategic plan that was reviewed at the second conference and revised based on the feedback.


The organization and its stakeholders were clear about its core values, strategies, political analysis, and role in the national and local progressive movements. They also named opportunities to advance equity and justice in the region.