Berthoud Consulting

Berthoud Consulting


Small Changes, Big Differences

I’d been feeling swamped and adrift with too much to do and not a clear sense of accomplishment. I know I’m not alone. I know too many leaders who feel they are the ball in the pinball machine. What to … Read More

Thinking of Martin Luther King: Take Wise Action

How shall I be a citizen? What will I do to participate in the democracy I believe in? Friends, colleagues, and clients are grieving. The things we work for—living wages, decent working conditions, respect for and inclusion of the differences … Read More

Thinking of Martin Luther King: Create True Community

The second in a series of musings about what Dr. King has to say to us in this moment–Create True Community. Those of us working for social justice have sought to ensure the political table includes those parts of our … Read More

Thinking of Martin Luther King: Deal with Reality

The inauguration of a minority president coincided with remembrance of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., so I seek inspiration from the great spiritual warrior. Our times are at least as perilous as he describes in the preface to his 1963 Strength … Read More

Seriously, Have Fun in 2015

The calendar tells us it is 2015. Another year of striving for and realizing freedom, justice, love, sustenance, and general well being. I am fortunate to support individuals and organizations be life affirming in their ends and means. My big … Read More

Happy Valentine’s Day

Happy Valentine’s Day Do you, like so many people and organizations, wait for things to be good—however you define it—before you’ll share love in the form of appreciation, kudos, encouragement, generosity, a smile, or even your time? Do you believe … Read More

Election Reflections and Organizational Change

It’s been a couple of weeks since President Obama won reelection. As the country reflects on the meaning of the election and again projects its hopes and fears onto the President, I see the presidential election and the tone of … Read More